The Asociation Mujeres Avenir has organised a special solidarity event in collaboration with the law firm Pérez-Llorca, a benefactor partner of the association, and with the co-sponsorship of BNP Paribas, with the aim of offering a space for public expression to a group of Afghan women judges and magistrates who are refugees in Spain, in order to make visible the problem suffered not only by them, but by all Afghan women and girls.
Since August 2021, when the Taliban seized political power, the situation of women in the country has been terrible: the freedoms that women enjoyed until then have completely disappeared, girls are not allowed to go to school, all women must wear the burqa and are obliged to be accompanied by their husbands to go out in the street.
However, for professionals who occupied important positions, such as female judges, the blow has been particularly hard, since, in addition to not being able to exercise their profession, they have been systematically persecuted for their contribution to the prosecution and sentencing to prison terms of Taliban terrorists. The new political regime has taken revenge by assassinating some of the judges and magistrates who were involved in their prosecution and conviction.
The event took place in the auditorium of the Pérez-Llorca Law Firm, under the slogan “Afghan refugee judges in Spain: no conquest is irreversible”.
It was moderated by the Constitutional Court lawyer Carmen Delgado Echevarría and closed by Marie-Christine Lang, Consul General of France in Spain, and was attended by Afghan judges

Helena Hofiany, Gulalai Hotak, Friba Quraishi, Nazima Nezrabi, Safia Jan Mohammad y Suraya Ahmadayar.
Nuestra Directora Lourdes Sánchez-Cervera con tres de las magistradas afganas y asistentes al acto.