In line with our international vocation and proud of our Spanish identity, INTERLINCO participates in the official commemorative events of the First Circumnavigation of the Globe by Magellan and Elcano (1519-1522).
In particular, INTERLINCO has joined forces with Asociación de Amigos de los Grandes Navegantes y Exploradores Españoles (AGNYEE, Association of Friends of the Great Spanish Navigators and Explorers) and Acción Cultural Española (ACE, Spanish Cultural Action) to ensure the success of one of the most important events in the Official Programme: the replica of the circumnavigation, in its entirety, on a two-masted ocean-going sailboat, the PROS, which is covering the same itinerary as that followed by the five Castilian ships from their departure from Sanlúcar de Barrameda to the return of only one of the ships to the same port three years later.
INTERLINCO collaborates by translating all the certificates, records, reports, contracts or attestations required by the expedition and to meet the requirements of the maritime authorities for the PROS to berth in different ports.
Places such as Recife, Buenos Aires and the Atlantic coast of the Southern Cone, Valparaiso, Guayaquil, Galapagos, Tahiti, Guam, Carolinas, Philippines, Borneo, Marianas, Moluccas, Timor, Cape Town and finally Cape Verde, all of them visited by the Spanish expedition on its long voyage, will welcome the passage of the PROS as witnesses of the event.